Chemicals and MattressesOrganic Mattresses

Toxic Chemicals in Your Mattress—What’s The Issue

Naturepedic Organic Mattresses at Sleepworks

Board-certified environmental engineer, Barry Cik, founded Naturepedic to prevent the public from being exposed to harmful chemicals while they sleep. The public is exposed to 85,000 chemicals in their everyday life—which less than 1% of have been tested for safety.

I learned something many years ago and I’ll share it with everybody. When I was in in engineering school in college the joke was the solution to pollution is dilution, very funny except some of us realize it’s not funny at all! At that time Lake Erie which is where near where I live.  Lake Erie was dying, and the lesson that I learned was in 1870 when industry started throwing their chemicals into the lake, the lake would swallow it up no problem, 1890 1910 1930 and 1950 no problem, 1970 big problem! the lake was dying, and to this day, it’s been the half a century or more to this day it’s still illegal for commercial fishing in Lake Erie because the mercury levels are so high, and it just won’t go down.

Naturepedic organic

Okay what’s the lessons? the lesson is you can’t just dump toxic chemicals into the environment and not pay a price ultimately, of course you’re going to pay a price okay and then later on I realized that lesson applies to humans, animals, to the environment in general and our babies. 85,000 chemicals running around that we didn’t have 100 or 200 years ago. Every single year industry makes approximately 250 lbs of chemicals for every man, woman and child in this country, so this year 250 pounds for everybody next year 250 and this is been going on for a while. And just like Lake Erie collapsed at what point are we all going to be so sick it will just don’t know how to even send the sentence. okay, that day is coming if we don’t stop what we’re doing that day is coming, how do we stop this? There’s really only one good way okay that one good way is to say that if you are a manufacturer of chemicals flame-retardant chemicals for other for other manufacture them or sell them until you prove that they are safe! You don’t  have the right to just go manufacturing chemicals and we play a little game to see if the government will catch up with you or not, we can’t we can’t we can’t deal with it. I hate to use harsh language but you’re guilty until you’re proven innocent, if you want to manufacture chemicals you prove that those chemicals are safe anybody who won’t hurt the environment when you can do that, that’s fine go sell your chemicals all you want no problem but until then no, no!

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