Sleep Tips

Dealing with Stress and Sleeplessness

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The conventional wisdom is to reduce stress and get a good eight straight hours of sleep each night. Of course, that is easier said than done – especially given the inevitable stress that comes with everyday life. So what can you do to promote healthy sleeping habits and stave off the consequence of sleeplessness? The […]

Sleep Tips

Children and Sleep: Overview

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Children need sleep, but they often fight bedtime. Parents are exhausted, worried, and confused. What are normal sleep habits for newborns, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children, and teens? What is keeping their children awake at night? What is the best way to teach healthy sleep habits? With nearly 70% of children under 10 years of […]

Sleep Tips

Women’s Sleep: Wired and Overtired

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Women are exhausted. 67% of American women have trouble sleeping. Sleep disorders, common in almost 40 million Americans, are more common in women. According to the National Sleep Foundation 63% women, versus 54% men, struggle with sleep and feel sleepy throughout the day. Shifting hormone levels make it difficult for women to get the average […]